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Myofascial pain is poorly understood when dealing with pain, therefore it is underdiagnosticated and missmanaged.

Miofascial pain is related to the presence of active trigger points focused in muscles and/or their fascias (Travell & Simons).

The trigger point is a focused area of hyperirritability that arises at the thiny terminal nerve receptors inside muscles or fascias. The result is dull or achy local tender.
This peripherical nociceptive information runs by the Central Nervous System (CNS) up to the brain wich responds with regional and referred (far away) pain. Each muscle has its own specific distribution area of pain (maps).
Other referred symptoms are: muscular shortening and contractures, sympathetic and visceral symptoms, and postural unbalances.

In case pain does turn into chronicity, the neuromodulation system can disrupt, worsening pain and producing more muscular shortening-contractures: this sequence settles a pain-contractures feedback circuit.
Another not desirable issue takes place when Chronic CNS autoexcitability becomes independent from peripherical inputs getting a Permanent Chronic Central Pain Pattern.

Diagnosis of Miofascial Pain is very frequently confused with other kinds of pain like radicular, plexual, or nerve origin.
Early detection of myofascial pain avoids settling of Chronic Central Pain Pattern and allows a successful result.

Treatment include two successive steps: 
First, to eliminate the different and multiple trigger points checked before through electrical stimulation (TENS), acupunture, or infiltration with local anesthesia (prolotherapy).
Later doing passive and specific gentle stretches of each shortened muscle preceded -if necessary- with very soft movements, or isometric or isotonic contractions. 

Elimination of trigger points followed by stretching achieves multiple

   - muscular pain disappears;
   - myofascial shortening and contractures are eliminated;
   - muscle relaxation is obtained;
   - peripheral nociceptive inputs to CNS are reduced or avoided;
   - muscular performances: mobility, flexibility, elasticity, strength and contractility are recovered.          
  - postural balance is regained.            
Myofascial pain treatment can be also used in case of muscular pain and contraction shortening like in:

    - Tensional headaches;
    - Migraines;
.   - Chewing disorders (bruxism and temporo-maxilar joints pain)
    - Cervical cephaleas;
    - Cervicobrachialgias;
    - Shoulder pain (omalgia) and stiffness;
    - Chest pain;
    - Pain between ribs  (costalgia)
    - Back, low back and lumbociatic pain
    - Heel and foot pain
    - Knee (gonialgia) and hip pain (coxalgia)
    - Fibromialgia
    - Scar pain

Myofascial pain treatment can be also used to correct postural disorders like asymmetries, deviation, bending, rotation, blocking:

   - Poor stepping;
   - "Locked" heels;
   - Apparent shorter lower limb
   - Unbalanced bent trunk (forward, backward, or sidewark);
   - “Locked” chest ("feeling of oppression");
   - Assymetrical shoulders
   - Pelvis asymmetries;
   - Twisted head
   - Unfitting positions when sited at the computer

When chronic Central Nervous System irritability develops, it has to be eliminated with pharmacology and behavioural coping techniques.

Myofascial pain corrective treatment must be completed with body-mind reeducation to get expansion of Sensory Perception awareness and new postural and movement models, for instance: “awareness through movement” by M. Feldenkrais, “euthony” by G.Alexander, “reeducation postural global” by Souchard, tai-chi, or chi-kun.


CENTRO ERGOSINERGIA - Osteomuscular pain, Myofascial pain
Médico - Mat. Nac. 32.009

Ayacucho 1365 p.b. B  (1111) Buenos Aires -ARGENTINA-
tél: 011 4812-9048
web: www.drleiserson.com.ar
email: rleiserson@intramed.net ; roller88@telecentro.com.ar

  Copyright © 2008 Dr. Rodolfo Leiserson