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Why does N.C.R. help in Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is characterized by an excessive loss of the bone matrix.
Let me remind you that bones have two types of cells: osteoclasts that reabsorb bone substance (destructive phase), and osteoblasts that make bones (constructive phase).
Both types of cells coexist in a state of dynamic balance. When osteoclasts predominate, a loss of the bone matrix (reabsortion) will occur, and when activity of osteoblasts is dominant, a greater production of bone will take place (osteoformation).

Osteoporosis is as much influenced by factors such as: nutrition, medication and lifestyle. Clinical doctors try to stop the destructive function of osteoclasts and to increase the formation of bone (osteoblasts) prescribing Vitamin D, hormones (estrogens, progesterone, calcitonine) and mineral supplements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, fluor and borous). Finally, they recommend different types of exercise.

In regard to the mechanic factor, I would like to remind you that the weight of a body is the result of terrestrial gravity force vertically acting on the skeleton. In an upright position, the weight that is transferred to the bones and reaches the floor, stimulates bone manufacturing cells (osteoblastos).

An example of the importance of the mechanic factor in the appearance of osteoporosis takes place in people with important postural disorders for example, with important deformations of the vertebral spine (xifosis, scoliosis).
Another example of mechanical disorders takes place in patients that remain in bed for a long period of time.
In a similar way, astronauts that must stay in space for a prolonged period of time, experience osteoporosis as a consequence of the lack of weight (ingravity) upon their return to Earth.

Neurocranial Restructuring can improve the degree of osteoporosis in cases originated from a mechanic factor (gravity body disfunction).
Let me tell you that N.C.R. does not replace classic drug treatments; it is a complimentary resource.

  Copyright © 2003 Dr. Rodolfo Leiserson