Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF)
New application ideal to treat some ailments resistant
to standard medical treatments
Our Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Center has launched a new and effective biomedical type of treatment called Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF).

PEMP is provenly successful to heal numerous general disfunctions resistant to standard medical treatments such as:

• Headaches
• Migraines
• Insomnia
• Memory loss
• Depression
• Drug resistant chronic pain

PEMP is also successfully used in rehabilitation of stroke sequelaes.

PEMP is considered to stimulate certain intracellular formations called mitochondria, which increases body’s energy production, and improves electric and physiologichal body functions.
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Beneficial effects of PEMP

On general conditions

• Promotes collagen formation.
• Reverts osteophenia process and accelerates bone healing.
• Improves some joint dysfunctions restablishing joint mobility and making pain to disappear.
• Repairs bad healed wounds and facilitates skin grafts success.
• Activates regeneration of peripheral nerves.
  On Central Nervous System disorders

Application of transcranial PEMP led to successful results of some brain conditions such as:
• Headaches
• Migraine
• Insomnia
• Memory loss
• Drug-resistant depression
• Neuropathic chronic pain resistant to medications
• Stroke rehabilitation sequelae

Technical aspects

PEMP consist of a pulsed electromagnetic field generator of low intensity and low amplitude square waves, which are conducted through one of two types of transducers:

a) Plain. Applied directly to the involved area.
b) Cylindrical. This device applies a circular magnetic field to certain parts of the body inside the electromagnetic cylinder such as head, hand or feet.

The application of low amplitude and low frequency electromagnetic fields on humans is innocuous, painless, free of complications, and causes no change in tissues temperature.

Each session lasts about 30 minutes.