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Henny Trayles
María del Carmen Caliva

My professional relationship with Dr. Rodolfo Leiserson dates back 10 years ago. I have consulted him in several occasions in regard to neck pain and, occasionally, back pain, that I experience as a consequence of work stress.
For the same reason, I have also suffered from postural disorders on my "armoured" chest.
Dr. Leiserson solved my pain troubles, on every occasion, stretching out my muscle stiffness and putting my vertebras back in place with manual maneuvers.
I regularly took body reeducation lessons with the Freldenkrais system (Awareness trough Movement) that provided me with a greater degree of flexibility and elasticity.
But after a certain period of time, my uncomfort returned.....
A short time ago I heard about Neurocranial Restructuring, the new technique Dr. Leiserson had learned in the U.S.A.
After reading the fundamentals of this technique and its applications, I decided to consult him, not only about my pain and postural troubles, but also about my permanent breathing difficulties. As a young girl I had my nose done and a short time after the surgery I fell on my nose.
I decided to follow the treatment.
Dr. Leiserson took me a photo before the treatment and one after the treatment. Improvement was evident right from the beginning.

Not only did my pain disappear in around 90%, but my jut chest came back to normal and also the look in my eyes became "sweeter". Now, I can breath better with less effort and greater subtlety.
As time goes by, I perceive myself more centered in my body posture; I am less anxious, and I feel as if a straight line going across my skull had straightened me. Night snoring almost totally disappeared.
Given the fact that the position of the bones in my face and jaw also adjusted, I had to go to the dentist to "rearrange" my bite.
Up from that moment, the well-being of my Feldenkrais method lessons produce a more effective and lasting effect.
To conclude: I feel very happy to have received the 4 sessions of Neurocranial Restructuring with Dr. Leiserson.

Henny Trayles
May 03

For many years, my frequent headaches and neck pain as well as a chronic case of sinusitis, that had no apparent solution, had me worried.
Over those years, I tried a number of traditional drugs or treatments, such as: antiheadache remedies, antiinflamatories, ice bags, nebulizations, antibiotics and even exercises that I had to give up because they caused me pain.
Natural medicine didn't help either: different types of tea, local steam applications, poultices, "slices of potatoes" over my forehead, and even bars of sulfur, all proofed ineffective.

To make things worse, three years ago I was diagnosed with a glaucoma in my left eye. Although eye drops lowered my eye hypertension they failed to control it on a permanent basis. Bursts of glaucoma continued to appear and my headaches worsened.

Three months ago I underwent lasertherapy in my left eye and afterwards on my right eye (in order to prevent a possible glaucoma). Intraocular pressure stabilized but crisis of high intraocular pressure continued to occur.

In March '03 I heard about Neurocranial Restructuring, the new procedure that could take my troubles away.
The method, according to Dr. Leiserson's explanation, is based on the insertion of a microballoon through the nostril, that is briefly inflated and immediately pulled out. This brief "inflation" of the microballoon is totally painless. It unblocks the unbalance of the "sphenoides bone" allowing it to settle back to its original position; secondarily it normalizes overall body posture.
This procedure must be carried out over four consecutive days.

On my first appointment, Dr. Leiserson detected other symptoms, which due to the intensity of my neck pain and headaches, I had paid little attention to: loss of energy (fatigue), lumbalgia, chronic stiffness, calf cramps, insomnia and the negative way I took things around me....
So Dr. Leiserson recommended the Neurocranial Restructuring treatment.

I accepted his recommendation.

A few days after I finished the treatment my life changed: after a brownish mucus discharge from my nose for 4-5 days, my old chronic sinusitis disappeared!; and I no longer experienced any headaches, neck pain nor lumbalgia. I have more energy, sleep well, don't experience cramps anymore, I am more relaxed, without that worrisome anguish. My left eye high pressure crisis disappeared.
Anyway, Dr. Leiserson suggested me not to stop my eye drops treatment and to go on checking periodically with my ophthalmologist.

I smiled again; my life is a lot more pleasant without pain.
And, although I am not a doctor, my common sense leads me to believe that Neurocranial Restructuring has reinforced the effect of lasertherapy to control my glaucoma.
After I told my short story about my glaucoma two months ago, an event with a happy ending took place: the eye doctor that treated me initially had prescribed the use of eye drops for a lifetime. However, on my last visit to the eye doctor (July 2003), he found out that my high eye pressure has gotten back to normal. As a consequence, he asked me to permanently stop using drops!!"

María del Carmen Caliva
July 2003

  Copyright © 2003 Dr. Rodolfo Leiserson